
Wisconsin - Art of the State

The Spirit of America

Text by Joanne Trestrail

Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 2001

hardcover, 96 pages

excellent condition

our price:   $7.50 plus media mail shipping

Thoreau Revisited - Diary of a Country Year

by Stephen J. Krasemann and the Editors
of Outdoor World

Outdoor World, 1973

hardcover, 160 pages

excellent condition

our price:   $6.95 plus media mail shipping

The Art of Labor - Building the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center

photographs by Curt Knoke

words by Ellen Kort

Oscar J. Boldt Construction, 2003

First Edition stated

oversized hardcover - like new condition

236 pages - profusely illustrated

our price:   $34.95 plus media mail shipping

Wisconsin - Renewing the Countryside

A Project of Midwest Organic and

Sustainable Education Service

edited by Jerry Hembd, Jody Padgham and Jan Joannides

published by Renewing the Countryside, 2007

softcover, good condition

173 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Weird Wisconsin -

Your Travel Guide to Wisconsin’s Local

Legends and Best Kept Secrets

by Linda S. Godrey and Richard D. Hendricks

Executive Editors: Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman

Sterling Publishing, 2005

hardcover, good condition

272 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping