Washington, D.C.

The Original White House Cook Book - 1887 Edition

Cooking, Toilet and Household Recipes, Menus, Dinner-Giving, Table Etiquette, Care of the Sick, Health Suggestions, Facts Worth Knowing, Etc., Etc.

A Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home

by Mrs. F.L. Gillette and Hugo Ziemann, Steward of the White House

reprint of 1887 Edition

published by Media Solution Services, 1999

hardcover - new book - gilt edges and cover with gold print

570 pages  - pages are clean and crisp

our price:  $19.95 plus media mail shipping

Cookbook - The Congressional Club

Washington, D.C.

published by The Congressional Club, 1955

vintage plastic-comb softcover -

very good condition

427 pages   

our price: $12.50  plus media mail shipping

Herb Cottage Cookbook -

A Cookbook for Entertaining

cookbook with illustrations from the National Cathedral and Bishop’s Garden

edited by Lee A. Carty and Nancy S. Montgomery

published by the All Hallows Guild and the National Cathedral Association, 1982

plastic comb softcover - fairly good condition

a few of the bottom plastic combs are broken but all pages are intact - 152 pages

$2.50 plus media mail shipping

The  National Symphony Orchestra Cookbook

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

edited by Anna Pfeiffer

National Symphony Orchestra, 2005

softcover - very good  condition

276 pages   

our price:   $3.95 plus media mail shipping

The Washington Cookbook - A Tasteful Tour of the Nation’s Capital

by the Washington Opera J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1982

plastic comb softcover,

very good like new condition

gift inscription on inside cover

278 pages

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

The White House Chef Cookbook

Over 500 Recipes and menus by the man who was White House chef during the Kennedy years

by Rene Verdon

Doubleday & Company, 1967

vintage hardcover - very good condition

287 pages

our price:   $14.95 plus media mail shipping

First Ladies Cook Book - Favorite Recipes of All The Presidents of the United States

Consulting Editor - Helen Duprey Bullock

Parents Magazine Press, 1969

Revised Edition - through President Nixon

vintage hardcover -  fairly good condition

considering age of book - cover shows wear with two areas that have tears as well as the

upper and lower spine have small chipped areas

228 pages - fascinating illustrations and text

$9.95 plus media mail shipping

United We Stand Cookbook

compiled by Many Proud Americans

assembled by William and Linda Knipp

(proceeds benefitted the Sept. 11 Fund - Chief Gregg Smallwood’s Memorial Fund - Pentagon Victim)

plastic comb softcover -

Cookbook Publishers, Inc., 2002

like new condition , 232 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Herb Cottage Cookbook -

A Cookbook for Entertaining

compiled by the National Cathedral Association and All

Hallows Guild of Washington Cathedral

vintage wirebound softcover, 112 pages


$6.95 plus media mail shipping

Who Says We Can’t Cook!

by Members of the Women’s National Press Club

Washington, D.C.

McIver Art and Publications, Inc. 1955

vintage plastic comb softcover, 176 pages

good condition

$9.95 plus media mail shipping

The Washington Cookbook - A Tasteful Tour of the Nation’s Capital

by the Washington Opera J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1982

plastic comb softcover,

good condition

278 pages

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping