
Teilhard de Chardin’s Theology of the Christian in the World

Robert L. Faricy, S. J.

Sheed and Ward, 1967

hardcover -  235 pages

good condition - no markings, cover shows some wear - all pages intact

former owner’s name on title page

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

The Future of Man

by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Harper & Row, 1964

hardcover -  319 pages

good condition - no markings, cover shows some wear - all pages intact

former owner’s bookplate inside front cover

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

The Problem of God

by John Courtney Murray, S.J.

Yale University Press, 1964

vintage softcover - 121pages

fair condition - outer edges of book have small stains

former owner’s name on first page

back cover has stains

no marks on pages - good reading copy

our price:   $5.50 plus media mail shipping

Discovering God’s Word - An Introduction to Scripture

by Marilyn Gustin

Benziger Publishing Company, 1995

softcover - 288 pages

front cover has two large creases as indicated in photo

sections of book are highlighted, some dog-eared pages

our price:   $3.75 plus media mail shipping

Theological-Political Treatise

by Baruch Spinoza (Gebhardt Edition, 1925)

translated by Samuel Shirley, introduction and notes by Seymour Feldman

Hackett Publishing Company, 1998

softcover -  257 pages

fair condition - some highlighting and notes

our price:   $6.95 plus media mail shipping

The Idea of the Holy

by Rudolf Otto

translated by John W. Harvey

Oxford University Press,

softcover -  232 pages

good condition - no markings, all pages intact

our price:   $6.95 plus media mail shipping

Faces in the Clouds - A New Theory of Religion

by Stewart Guthrie

Oxford University Press, 1993

softcover -  290 pages

excellent condition

our price:   $13.95 plus media mail shipping

A History of Religious Ideas - Volume One

From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries

by Mircea Eliade

translated from the French by Willard R. Trask

University of Chicago Press, 1978

softcover -  489 pages

fair condition - cover is worn as shown in photo

some writing in book and “surplus” stamped on cover

our price:   $7.50  plus media mail shipping

Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man

introduction by Sir Julian Huxley

Harper Torchbook, 1965

vintage softcover -  320 pages

fair condition - no markings, cover shows wear - all pages intact

former owner’s name is stamped on the title page and the last page

our price:   $3.50 plus media mail shipping

Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone

by Immanuel Kant

Harper Torchbook, 1960

softcover -  290 pages

good condition, some writings

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Hymn of the Universe

Harper & Row, 1965

vintage hardcover -  158 pages

good condition - dustjacket shows wear

former owner’s bookplate is on the inside cover

our price:   $19.95 plus media mail shipping

Fear and Trembling - Repetition

Soren Kierkegaard

edited and translated by Howard V. Hong and

Edna H. Hong

Princeton University Press, 1983

softcover -  421 pages

fair condition - some markings, all pages intact

front cover has creases as shown in photo

our price:   $12.95 plus media mail shipping

Erring A Postmodern A/Theology

by Mark C. Taylor

University of Chicago Press, 1987

softcover -  219 pages

good condition - some markings

our price:   $3.50 plus media mail shipping