
Martin Luther - A Man Who Changed the World

by Paul L. Maier

Concordia Publishing House, 2004

for juvenile audience, beautiful illustrations

hardcover -  28 pages

NEW BOOK - this copy has the printed statement

on the cover: “an exclusive benefit of your membership.”
our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

Luther and Calvin - On Secular Authority

Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought

edited and translated by Harro Hopfl

Cambridge University Press,  1991

used book with some writing

all pages are intact

softcover - 98 pages

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts 1784-1984

A Mission to Remember, Proclaim, and Fulfill

by M.J. Duffy

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, 1984

hardcover, 737 pages

pages are crisp and without highlights or notes

water mark towards bottom of some of the pages

causes a light staining but the book provides an

excellent reading copy

our price:   $ plus media mail shipping

An Adventure in Liberty

A Short History of the Congregational

Christian Churches

Prepared by Gaius Glenn Atkins

Assisted by Helen E. Phillips

illustrations by J. Riegel, Jr.

published for The Commission on Evangelism and

Devotional Life of the Congregational Christian Churches

The Pilgrim Press, 1950

staplebound softcover, 48 pages

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping