
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eastern Philosophy

by Jay Stevenson

Pengion, 2000

softcover - excellent condition

401 pages

$4.50 plus media mail shipping

Protagoras, Philebus, and Gorgias

by Plato, translated by Benjamin Jowett

Great Books in Philosophy

Prometheus Books, 1996

softcover,  good condition, 201 pages

some pencil markings

pages are crisp and intact

$3.95 plus media mail shipping

Benedict de Spinoza - A Theologico-Political Treatise

Unabridged R.H.M. Elwes Translation from Latin

Dover Publications, 1951

vintage softcover,  good condition

some notes and underlinings, cover has small creases as

indicated in photo

387 pages

$3.50 plus media mail shipping

On The Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Nietzsche

translated by Walter Kaufmann and RJ Hollingdale

Ecce Homo - Friedrich Nietzsche

translated by Walter Kaufmann

edited, with Commentary by Walter Kaufmann

Vintage Books, 1989

softcover,  good condition, 366 pages

some notes and underlining, pages are intact

$6.95 plus media mail shipping

Aristotle and Xenophon on Democracy & Oligarchy

by J.M. Moore

University of California Press, 1986

softcover, 320 pages

some writing and underlining

all pages are intact

corner edges towards front of book are slightly curled

$6.95 plus media mail shipping

Kant - Critique of Practical Reason

translated by Lewis White Beck - third edition

Prentice-Hall, 1993

softcover, 171 pages   

some markings and underlinings, otherwise good

our price:  $3.50  plus media mail shipping

A Letter Concerning Toleration

by John Locke

Hackett Publishing Company, 1983

softcover, 62 pages   

some markings and underlinings

our price:  $1.50  plus media mail shipping

From Descartes To Kant - Readings in the Philosophy of the Renaissance and Enlightenment

T.V. Smith and Marjorie Grene

University of Chicago Press, 1948

hardcover, 899 pages, no dustjacket   

no markings inside book

clothbound  cover shows some wear near edges

our price:  $12.95  plus media mail shipping

Three Tests For Democracy: Personal Rights,

Huiman Welfare, Collective Preference

by David Braybrooke

Random House, 1968, first printing

softcover, 240 pages   

some tanning due to age

no markings and underlinings

our price:  $3.50  plus media mail shipping