Ohio Cookbooks
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Ohio State Grange Cookbook

Twenty-Ninth Edition, October 1978

Ohio State Grange

plastic comb spiral softcover

written gift inscription on title page

interior pages - like new condition, unmarked and intact

226 pages

our price:   $11.95 plus media mail shipping

HER Cookbook II - Featuring Selected 1976 Ohio State Fair Winning Recipes and the Very Favorite Recipes of Our Clients and Friends

compiled and presented by HER - Harley E. Rouda & Company Realtors

good condition

softcover, 80 pages

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

HER Cookbook 3 - Featuring the Very Favorite Recipes of The President and Vice President of the United States  - United States Senators - Famous Personalities - The $2,000 Ohio State Fair Apple Pie Recipe and Our Clients and Friends

compiled and presented by HER - Harley E. Rouda & Company Realtors, 1979

good condition

softcover, 112 pages

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

The Ohio Masonic Home Cookin’

published by the Ohio Masonic Home, 1987

Springfield, Ohio

plastic comb softcover, 64 pages

very good condition

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Good Things From The Kitchens of Normandy Neighbors

Normandy United Methodist Church Women

Dayton, Ohio, 1975

vintage plastic comb softcover,

214 pages

very good condition - handwritten comments on a few pages and on last page of book

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

At Home With The Longabergers

A Collection of Recipes, Photos, and Down-Home Stories

by Rachel Longaberger Schmidt

vintage wirebound softcover - 

good condition

cover shows slight wear

89 pages   

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Cincinnati Celebrates

Cooking and entertaining for all seasons presented by the Junior League of Cincinnati

fourth printing, 1978

plastic comb softcover, 316 pages

very good condition

cover shows slight wear

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Longaberger - Fresh From the Pantry

edited by Mary Cummings

Favorite Recipes Press, 2001


good condition

192 pages -

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

Bach’s Lunch

Picnic and Patio Classics

published by The Junior Women’s Committee

to benefit The Cleveland Orchestra

third printing, 1971

vintage softcover, 159 pages

good condition

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Golden Rule Foods...The Golden Rule Way

The Citizens’ Wholesale Supply Co.

Columbus, Ohio

by Ida Bailey Allen

vintage softcover, 111 pages

good condition - few stains

pages are tanned due to age of book which is

believed to be around 1930

our price:   $12+.95 plus media mail shipping