New Jersey

Butterflies of New Jersey - A Guide To Their Status,

Distribution, Conservation, and Appreciation

by Michael Gochfeld and Joanna Burger

Rutgers University Press, 1997

softcover -  327 pages

very good condition

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

Cape May - Images of a Seaside Resort

Text by Tom Carroll

Photography by Michael Biggs

Jared Company, 1991

hardcover, 133 pages

very good condition


dustjacket has a tiny tear

our price:   $24.95 plus media mail shipping

Off The Beaten Path - New Jersey - Eighth Edition

A Guide to Unique Places

by William G. and Kay Scheller

Insider’s Guide, 2006

softcover - 185 pages


our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

Somerset County - A Millennial Portrait

by Walter Choroszewski

introduction by Governor Christine Todd Whitman

published by Aesthetic Press, Inc., 2000

gift inscription on first pages signed by author

“To Bobbi - With Best Wishes! - Walter Choroszewski”

hardcover, excellent condition

124 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Growing Healthy Families

Cooking With Holistic Moms

Holistic Moms Network

Morris Press Cookbooks, 2008

plastic comb hardcover, 242 pages

like new condition

our price:   $12.95 plus media mail shipping

Images of America - Cranbury, New Jersey

by Peggy S. and Frank J. Brennan, Jr.

Arcadia, 1995

softcover - very good condition

gift inscription in front of book signed by both authors

128 pages

our price:   $10.95 plus media mail shipping

The Chapel of Princeton University

by Richard Stillwell

Princeton University Press, 1971

vintage hardcover - very good condition

137 pages

dustjacket is price-clipped

our price:   $14.95 plus media mail shipping

Images of America - Nutley

by John Demmer

Arcadia Publishing, 1997

softcover -  good condition

title page is missing title of book - only

shows author

128 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Images of America - Red Bank

by Randall Gabrielan

Arcadia Publishing, 1995

softcover -  good condition

128 pages

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping

Lighthouses of the New Jersey Lighthouse


by Trish Chambers

Trish Chambers Productions, 2007

gift inscription by author on title page

softcover -  good condition

158 pages

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

Images of America -Holmdel and Pleasant Valley

by Gerald V. Ceres

Arcadia Publishing, 1996

softcover good condition

128 pages

our price:   $11.95 plus media mail shipping

Weird N.J.

Your Travel Guide to New Jersey’s Local

Legends and Best Kept Secrets

by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

Sterling Publishing, 2005

softcover,  256 pages

good condition

our price:   $8.95 plus media mail shipping

Weird N.J. - Vol. 2

Your Travel Guide to New Jersey’s Local

Legends and Best Kept Secrets

by Mark Sceurman and Mark Moran

Sterling Publishing, 2006

hardcover,  303 pages

good condition

our price:   $9.95 plus media mail shipping