
Buddhism - World of Beliefs

by Anita Ganeri

Peter Bedrick Books, 2001

hardcover -  46 pages

like new condition

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

Prisoners of Shangri-La  - Tibetan Buddhism and the West

by Donald S. Lopez, Jr.

University of Chicago Press, 1998

softcover -  283 pages

fair condition - some markings and slight water staining on bottom corner of pages

good reading copy

our price:   $3.95 plus media mail shipping

The Art of Happiness - A Handbook for Living

by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler, M.D.

Riverhead Books, 1998, first edition

hardcover -  322 pages

very good condition

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Buddhism - Second Edition

by Gary Gach

Alpha Books, 2004

softcover -  390 pages

good condition - (tiny stain on bottom of book)

our price:   $3.95  plus media mail shipping

Tibetan Buddhist Life

by Don Farber

in association with The Tibet Fund

DK Publishing, 2003

First American Edition

hardcover -  192 pages

very good condition - beautiful photos

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping

What the Buddha Taught - Revised and Expanded


by Walpola Rahula

Grove Press, 1974

softcover -  151 pages

good condition

our price:   $3.95 plus media mail shipping

Selfless Persons - Imagery and Thought in

Theravada Buddhism

by Steve Collins

Cambridge University Press, 1999

softcover -  323 pages

very good condition

our price:   $24.95 plus media mail shipping

In Defense of Dharma

Just-War ideology in Buddhist Sri Lanka

by Tessa J. Bartholomeusz

Routledge Curzon,  2002

softcover- 208  pages

fair condition as there is writing in book but all the

pages are in good condition and intact

our price:   $11.95 plus media mail shipping

Buddhism - Its Essence and Development

by Edward Conze

Harper Colophon, 1975, first edition

softcover -  228 pages

fair condition - some markings and notes

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

The Religious World of Kirti Sri

Buddhism, Art, & Politics in Late Medieval

Sri Lanka

by John Clifford Holt

Oxford University Press, 1996

softcover -  147  pages

good condition - some markings and notes

our price:   $5.95 plus media mail shipping

What The Buddha Taught - Revised and Expanded Edition with Texts from Suttas and Dhammapada

by Walpola Rahula

Grove Press, 1974

softcover -  151 pages

fairly good condition - cover has creases

former owner’s name on first page

our price:   $3.95 plus media mail shipping

What the Buddha Taught - Revised and Expanded


by Walpola Rahula

Grove Press, 1974

softcover -  151 pages

good condition

our price:   $4.50 plus media mail shipping

Introduction to Buddhism - An explanation of the Buddhist way of life

by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Tharpa Publications, 1997

softcover, 150 pages

like new condition

our price:   $7.95 plus media mail shipping